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Watch this video completely to understand how the SmartTutor program works and what your responsibilities are.


  • You need to purchase a writing tablet in order to become a SmartTutor. This will be your only purchase for SmartTutoring ever. To buy the writing tablet, Click Here.

  • After receiving the writing tablet respond "Received Writing Tablet - Your name" in the WhatsApp group chat.

  • Prepare for a 10 min presentation of any topic you want to teach and respond "Ready for presentation - Your Name" in the WhatsApp group chat.

  • We will schedule a session for you and a group of panelists will attend your session to certify you for the program.

  • Time Tracking: After every class or after completing your volunteer hour(s), you need to enter your time every day. To access the time tracking form, Click Here.

  • Your volunteer hours will count towards your Presidential Volunteer Service award in that year. For more details click here

  • ​White Board App: While teaching, to write on a free online white board Click Here.

  • If you don't have any assigned work to put in your volunteer hours, create subject videos for any Math or English topic, save to your google drive and share the link in WhatsApp Group. Your video should be good quality to be accepted. You can book your time for only approved videos. Any questions, ask in WhatsApp group. You can download free screen recording software here 


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